We Have Been Verified For CHSE (Cleanliness, Health, Safety, Environment)
26 July 2021
Kemenparekraf (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Industry) have been undergoing verification for tourism industries in Indonesia . The aim of the program is to make sure that each company is practicing the new protocol on Covid 19 prevention and gets everyone ready to welcoming guests again.
The ministry appointed Sucifindo, an independent non-government organization to undergo the verification. The verification team visited our hotel on November 12 & 13, 2020 to asses and verify our hotel’s standard of operation in preventing Covid 19. We are pleased to announce we have been verified for cleanliness, health, safety and environment. We are ready to welcoming our guests with a new experience for a comfortable, health and safe stay at our hotel.
Prime Plaza Hotel & Suites Sanur – Bali Appointed New General Manager Next
Work From Bali